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Important Notice - Upcoming works for the new Velindre Cancer Centre

We want to let you know about some upcoming works to develop the new Velindre Cancer Centre that are scheduled to take place outside typical working hours. 
The work is part of installing the permanent compound and involves delivering cabins to the main site. Due to the cabins being unavailable from the manufacturer for the previous dates (August 30th and 31st) detailed in our recent letter, the new delivery dates are as below:

Saturday September 14 - Sunday September 15: Compound second floor installation averaging 12 HGVs per day, via the Coryton entrance for minimal disruption 

Deliveries for this work may cause slower traffic in the area. We appreciate the inconvenience this can have on our community and our team will make sure to minimise any impact. 

We would also like to inform you that we will soon be installing hoarding at the east brow near the entrance of TCAR2 (the site entrance nearing City Hospice). This will ensure minimal disruption to passersby using the path, although certain sections may be temporarily narrowed. The work is scheduled to take place from the week commencing September 23rd and is expected to take one week to complete. 
Our next regular resident drop-in meeting is scheduled for Wednesday September 25th between 6pm and 7pm at the Noddfa building at 19 Park Road by the Velindre Cancer Centre rear car park. Members of the Sacyr and Velindre team will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. 
If you have any queries in the meantime, please get in touch at or 07763 203360.